D-STAR Gateway System (W5TC)
Already registered?
Login with Callsign and Password.
Please note that Callsign and Password are case sensitive!
Callsign must be in Upper Case!
CallSign :
Password :
New user?
Register here for D-STAR access.
NOTE: You should only register on one D-Star repeater/gateway.
Registration at multiple gateways causes D-Star database problems and could prevent your callsign
from working on the network. If you have already begun to register at another D-Star Gateway,
please close this page and continue registration there.
You can check your status
Once you have registered here, one of our members will verify your information and transmit
it to the US TRUST group who maintain the D-STAR database that allows access
to DPLUS and other features. Our goal is to respond and process your
request within five business days.
D-STAR is a digital protocol developed by the Japan Amateur Radio League (the JARL)
and stands for
Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio.